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TypeCoach and ICF

Free TypeCoach Perks for ICF Members

TypeCoach offers an online suite of tools and both live/virtual training programs that take the guesswork out of how to inspire, lead, coach, influence, or collaborate with any personality type. Based on the same Jungian framework as the MBTI® assessment, TypeCoach takes four-letter personality type preferences to the next level.

FREE TypeCoach Perks for ICF Members:

Welcome ICF Members!

TypeCoach offers an online suite of tools and both live/virtual training programs that take the guesswork out of how to inspire, lead, coach, influence, or collaborate with any personality type. Based on the same Jungian framework as the MBTI® assessment, TypeCoach takes four-letter personality type preferences to the next level.

FREE TypeCoach Perks for ICF Members:

What is a TypeCoach Account?

TypeCoach Booklet - Coaching der 16 Typen

Download Your Free
E-Book Today!


What is a TypeCoach Account?


Discover your personality type through an interactive, video based process while learning personality type fundamentals, and then download your customized 8-page report.


Access top 10 tips for communicating with any individual based on the unique comboination of YOUR personality type and THEIRS.

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Learn from five engaging videos covering the top tips for maximizing the typical strengths and navigating the typical stretch areas for Ihr type.

Access Your FREE

TypeCoach Booklet - Coaching der 16 Typen


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