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El verificador

Harness the power of personality type to dramatically increase your career and life fulfillment

The TypeCoach Verifier is the next EVOLUTION in Personality Type. In less than 25 minutes, you will:


Gain powerful insight as you learn about the four key preferences (i.e. sensor vs. intuitive)

Verifier - Informed Decision

Make informed decisions about your type preferences, after learning about all of them

Solicitar acceso - Equipo

Complete an interactive, multi-step process to ensure you've found your best-fit type


Immediately receive a downloadable 8-page customized report, specific to your personality type

The TypeCoach Verifier Experience

Step One: Watch a Video

Vea un vídeo sobre Extravertidos e Introvertidos, que incluye animaciones y una explicación detallada sobre cada preferencia.

Step Two: Move the Sliders

Mueva los controles deslizantes para mostrar hacia dónde se inclina en Extraversión/Introversión. Repita el proceso para las tres preferencias restantes (Sensor/iNtuitivo, Pensador/Feeler, Juzgador/Perceptor).

Step Three: Type Description

Lea la descripción de su tipo más probable, basándose en cómo movió los deslizadores. Decida si es un "buen" ajuste o no.


Step Four: Decide Your "Best Fit" Type

Lea las dos descripciones de Tipo más probables (en función de cómo haya movido los controles deslizantes). Elige la que más resuene contigo. Descarga inmediatamente tu informe personalizado del Tipo.

Herramienta de verificación TypeCoach
"I just logged in and completed my Verifier...When you realise that people are just wired differently, one's compassion goes up and you just ease down on the severe judgments we pass on each other."
Joti Joseph Headshot
Joti Joseph
Director, Talent and Learning at Vontobel, Germany

How is the Verifier being used at organizations?

How is the Verifier being used in executive coaching?

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