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TypeCoach and ICF

Free TypeCoach Perks for ICF Members

TypeCoach offers an online suite of tools and both live/virtual training programs that take the guesswork out of how to inspire, lead, coach, influence, or collaborate with any personality type. Based on the same Jungian framework as the MBTI® assessment, TypeCoach takes four-letter personality type preferences to the next level.

FREE TypeCoach Perks for ICF Members:

Welcome ICF Members!

TypeCoach offers an online suite of tools and both live/virtual training programs that take the guesswork out of how to inspire, lead, coach, influence, or collaborate with any personality type. Based on the same Jungian framework as the MBTI® assessment, TypeCoach takes four-letter personality type preferences to the next level.

FREE TypeCoach Perks for ICF Members:

O que é uma conta TypeCoach?

Livreto TypeCoach - Treinando os 16 tipos

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E-Book Today!


O que é uma conta TypeCoach?

Ícone do verificador

Discover your personality type through an interactive, video based process while learning personality type fundamentals, and then download your customized 8-page report.

Ícone da ferramenta Type-to-Type
Tipo a Tipo

Access top 10 tips for communicating with any individual based on the unique comboination of YOUR personality type and THEIRS.

TypeCoach Ícone de treinamento
Vídeos de treinamento

Learn from five engaging videos covering the top tips for maximizing the typical strengths and navigating the typical stretch areas for seu type.

Access Your FREE

Livreto TypeCoach - Treinando os 16 tipos


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