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Programa de influencia

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Influence Program Part I - The 8 Prefereneces

Influence Program Part II - The 4 Temperaments


Part I: The 8 Preferences Overview

In this first webinar, participants learn how to use clues in behavior and speech to identify the type preferences in themselves and others. 

Understanding these differences helps increase appreciation for the skills and challenge areas of all personality types. Participants also learn tips for communicating and collaborating more effectively with any individual, based on their personality type.

Las 8 Preferencias

Part I: The 8 Preferences Pre-Work

Descargar: Hoja de trabajo del Programa de Influencia

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Part II: The 4 Temperaments Overview

In this second webinar, participants explore the four temperaments and learn about the motivating forces behind each temperament. Core drivers are what inspire us to take action. For example: some people are driven to being responsible and reliable, and focus on making low-risk choices. Others are driven to seek out the unknown, to innovate, and to find new and potentially dramatic advancements.
Los 4 temperamentos

Part II: The 4 Temperaments Pre-Work

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Why the TypeCoach Influence Program?

This live webinar series le guía a través del proceso de desarrollo del dominio de dos habilidades que puede utilizar cada día durante el resto de su vida, en cada interacción:


#1: Identificación de la
tipo de personalidad de
cualquier persona


#2: Adaptación de su
enfoque basado en
su tipo

Informe de los asistentes inmediato y mejoras significativas in their communications with clients, colleagues, their boss, children, spouse, family members and friends.

Vea este vídeo de 90 segundos para escuchar a algunos graduados de nuestro Programa de Influencia:


Con la confianza de cientos de las principales organizaciones del mundo

Logotipos de clientes de TypeCoach para el entrenamiento del tipo de personalidad
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