Digitales Abzeichen für die Kernzertifizierung
Master-Zertifizierung Digitales Abzeichen


TypeCoach "Train the Trainer"
Certifications for Amazon

"Train the Trainer" Certifications

TypeCoach offers two levels of certification:

About half of the Core Certification attendees are MBTI® qualified and report that the program is more comprehensive and is not repetitive. You are invited to review the information provided on the links below, and TypeCoach is available for a conversation to provide a demo of the tools, share best practices for the training, and answer any questions about materials, design choices, and the underlying methodology and frameworks.

  • Grundlegende Zertifizierung

    The Core Certification takes participants to expert level in the topic of personality type while also licensing graduates to deliver the essential TypeCoach programs. This is delivered via a four-part webinar series with extensive pre-work so that each session is an intense interactive working session (versus passive listening).

  • Master-Zertifizierung

    The Master Certification brings participants to a mastery of type and licenses graduates to deliver 3 additional TypeCoach programs on the topics of type and stress, innovation, and motivation.

Interested in the

Register for the Core Certification

*Investment includes TEN complimentary TypeCoach accounts to use when you facilitate a training program (a value of up to $1000 USD)!

Zeugnisse der Zertifizierung...


Shauna Skinner Kopfbild

Als Programmdirektorin der TypeCoach Academy leitet Shauna Skinner alle TypeCoach Zertifizierungs-Webinare. Sie ist seit 1994 ein begeisterter Persönlichkeitstyp und hält die hohe Auszeichnung des MBTI® Master Practitioner. Shauna hat Gruppenprogramme mit Einzelpersonen, Unternehmen, Bildungseinrichtungen, Organisationen des Gesundheitswesens und Non-Profit-Organisationen aus der ganzen Welt gecoacht und moderiert.

Interessiert an den TypeCoach Zertifizierungen?

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