Emotionale Intelligenz an Ihren Fingerspitzen.

Tools and training to take the guesswork out of how to lead, influence, or collaborate with any personality type.  

How can TypeCoach help you?

Grow your own understanding of different personality types.

Improve communication, trust, and collaboration.

Identify personality types and adapt your approach.

Become certified to facilitate TypeCoach training programs.

Type and… Stress, Change, Innovation… and more!

Hunderte von Top-Organisationen auf der ganzen Welt vertrauen TypeCoach:

TypeCoach Kundenlogos für das Persönlichkeitstypentraining

"The TypeCoach team delivered multiple incredible workshop sessions to help our Canada Ad Sales team foster increased self-awareness as well as furthering our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts... The team was able to understand their own type; appreciate the benefits of working in a team of diverse types; and read personality cues to identify and work most effectively based on recognizing the types of their teammates, cross-functional partners and customers. TypeCoach proved to be an incredible program for our team to foster Amazon LPs: Earns Trust, Customer Obsession, and Strive to be Earth’s Best Employer."

Chantal - Amazon Quote

Chantal Rossi Badia
Head of CPG, Hospitality & Entertainment Ad Sales
Toronto, Canada

Erfahren Sie mehr oder buchen Sie ein Programm!

Becoming familiar with personality types can help you to understand how you, your colleagues, and your customers prefer to work und interagieren on a daily basis. It can help you to realize why you gravitate more towards certain work types, why people respond differently to the same communication, and how you can adapt to get the best from yourself and others.

TypeCoach hat sich mit Amazon zusammengetan, um:

Ihr Angebot an Online-Tools basiert auf demselben Modell wie das der Persönlichkeitstyp Rahmen, der durch die Myers-Briggs-Typenindikator® (MBTI®).

TypeCoach bietet eine praktisch und benutzerfreundliches System die darauf ausgerichtet ist, Einzelpersonen und Teams dabei zu helfen lernfähige Kommunikatoren - Sie verstehen es meisterhaft, ihre Vorgehensweise auf den Persönlichkeitstyp ihres Kollegen oder Kunden abzustimmen.



What are personality types?

TypeCoach uses the most widely used framework for understanding differences in personality types. It was developed by Jung, Myers and Briggs, and adapted by TypeCoach – learn more here.

How has TypeCoach been used at Amazon?

TypeCoach has conducted live training programs (both virtual and in-person) for many teams at Amazon (typically 2-4 hours). Prior to the training session, each of the members of the team completed the online Verifier tool to discover their personality type.  The training programs focused on how to improve your interactions with those of different personality types. Additional tools to help implement this approach are provided including the Type-to-Type tool (see below).

What is the Type-to-Type Tool?

This interactive chart with all of the personality types can be set to auto populate with the names of team members who have completed the Verifier to discover their type. Teammates can click on a colleague’s name to access top tips for working with them based on the unique combo of their types.  Click here to watch a demo video.  

How much is a TypeCoach workshop for a group?

There are a few factors that impact the price, so please fill in the form here and a member of our team will contact you within one business day. You can also reach out to support@typecoach.com with time-sensitive requests.

Ready to learn more?

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