Classes de maître Icône

Programme d'influence

TypeCoach Training at Kingfisher

Why the TypeCoach Influence Program?

You’ve probably found that you have varying degrees of success in getting the full attention and focus of people in your life. Have you found that some personalities are easier for you to communicate with than others?

This live, 2-part webinar series walks you through the process of developing mastery of two skills that you can use every day for the rest of your life, in every interaction:


#1: Identifying the
personality type of
any individual


#2: Tailoring your
approach based on
their type

During every interaction, there is so much you could take into consideration about the personality type of the other person. After this series, you’ll know just what that other person will respond best to – and what to avoid.

Icône de l'outil de formation

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Ce que disent nos clients...

Compétences acquises

Participants leave with new skills that can be used to improve virtually all of their interactions:


Gain their full focus and attention


Build positive rapport with colleagues


Get their enthusiasm and buy-in


Bring out their best ideas and thinking


Inspire them to go above and beyond

Rapport des participants immédiat et améliorations significatives dans leurs communications avec les clients, les collègues, leur patron, leurs enfants, leur conjoint, les membres de leur famille et leurs amis... juste après le premier webinaire, sur trois !

Regardez cette vidéo de 90 secondes pour entendre le témoignage de quelques diplômés de notre programme d'influence :


Qu'est-ce qui est inclus ?

Two Live, Interactive Webinars (2 hours each)

Learn how to quickly identify the personality type of others, chat in live breakout sessions with other participants, and share examples throughout the webinars.

The 20-Day
Text Challenge

Begin applying type in your everyday interactions via a two-minute challenge texted to your phone each business day. Miss a day? Double up on challenges the next day!

Downloadable Desk
Reference Tools

Refer back to these goldmines of type information as you begin applying your new skills with clients, colleagues, and friends. Hard copies available for purchase, too!

Icône de l'outil de formation

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Des centaines d'organisations de premier plan dans le monde lui font confiance.

Logos des clients de TypeCoach pour la formation aux types de personnalité

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Your Division

Influence Program Part I

Influence Program Part II


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