Inteligência Emocional na ponta de seus dedos.

Tools and training to take the guesswork out of how to lead, influence, or collaborate with any personality type.  

How can TypeCoach help you?

Grow your own understanding of different personality types.

Improve communication, trust, and collaboration.

Identify personality types and adapt your approach.

Become certified to facilitate TypeCoach training programs.

Type and… Stress, Change, Innovation… and more!

Confiado por centenas das maiores organizações do mundo:

Logotipos do cliente TypeCoach para treinamento de tipos de personalidade

"A equipe da TypeCoach forneceu vários incríveis sessões de workshop para ajudar nossa equipe de vendas de anúncios no Canadá promover maior autoconsciência além de promover nossa Diversidade, Equidade e Inclusão esforços... A equipe foi capaz de entender seu próprio tipo; apreciar os benefícios de trabalhar em uma equipe de diversos tipos; e ler sinais de personalidade para identificar e trabalhar de forma mais eficaz com base no reconhecimento dos tipos de seus colegas de equipe, parceiros multifuncionais e clientes. O TypeCoach provou ser um programa incrível para nossa equipe promover os Amazon LPs: Conquista de Confiança, Obsessão pelo Cliente e Esforço para ser o Melhor Empregador do Mundo".

Chantal - Cotação na Amazon

Chantal Rossi Badia
Diretor de vendas de anúncios de CPG, hospitalidade e entretenimento
Toronto, Canada

Learn More or Book a Program!

Becoming familiar with personality types can help you to understand how you, your colleagues, and your customers prefer to work e interact on a daily basis. It can help you to realize why you gravitate more towards certain work types, why people respond differently to the same communication, and how you can adapt to get the best from yourself and others.

TypeCoach has partnered with Amazon to:

Their suite of online tools leverages the same model of tipo de personalidade framework popularized by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®).

TypeCoach provides a practical e easy-to-use system that is focused on helping individuals and teams become adaptive communicators – masterful at tailoring their approach to the personality type of their colleague or client.

Programa de Equipe

Perguntas frequentes

What are personality types?

TypeCoach uses the most widely used framework for understanding differences in personality types. It was developed by Jung, Myers and Briggs, and adapted by TypeCoach – learn more here.

How has TypeCoach been used at Amazon?

TypeCoach has conducted live training programs (both virtual and in-person) for many teams at Amazon (typically 2-4 hours). Prior to the training session, each of the members of the team completed the online Verifier tool to discover their personality type.  The training programs focused on how to improve your interactions with those of different personality types. Additional tools to help implement this approach are provided including the Type-to-Type tool (see below).

What is the Type-to-Type Tool?

This interactive chart with all of the personality types can be set to auto populate with the names of team members who have completed the Verifier to discover their type. Teammates can click on a colleague’s name to access top tips for working with them based on the unique combo of their types.  Click here to watch a demo video.  

How much is a TypeCoach workshop for a group?

There are a few factors that impact the price, so please fill in the form here and a member of our team will contact you within one business day. You can also reach out to with time-sensitive requests.

Ready to learn more?

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