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Emotional Intelligence at Your Fingertips

Discovering your personality type

TypeCoach tools and training provide emotional intelligence at your fingertips and take the guesswork out of how to lead, coach, influence or collaborate with people of any personality type. Please feel free to share this link and the access code given to you with your colleagues in HR/L&D/Talent.

The first step is to create your online account and complete the Verifier Experience.
- To learn more about our platform, scroll down
- If you have been given an access code, click here:


使用 TypeCoach 验证器,在 25 分钟的时间里,你将观看四段简短视频,移动滑块,验证你的性格类型,并下载 8 页的定制报告。


  • TypeCoach团队项目 当主要目标是利用彼此的优势,提高信任度,并利用人格类型的框架提高团队内的沟通效率。
  • 类型教练的影响力计划 当注重根据你能够识别的人格类型来调整与团队以外的人(关键利益相关者和客户)的沟通。

这种持续的资源是指尖上的情商,使你在如何与任何个人沟通时不再需要猜测。点击任何类型以访问 十大建议 与他们一起工作时,基于以下的独特组合 你的 类型和 他们的 类型。 这个互动工具可以被设置为在小组成员完成验证器时自动填入他们的名字。


发现领导的五个成功秘诀。 你的 性格类型。 每个视频都集中在你的类型的一个典型优势领域和如何最大限度地发挥它,或一个典型的挑战领域和把它变成一个优势领域的最高技巧。


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Join the Influence Program

Each month we deliver our signature training through two interactive, live, open registration webinars. We teach the skill of identifying the personality type of others based on clues in behavior, along with the techniques for adapting one’s style to meet the communication needs of others.

The webinar series is available for individual users to purchase and is offered at no cost to decision makers within organizations and to independent coaches. Attendees are provided with full access to our online tools, and also receive downloadable course materials.


You are invited to register at no cost to attend our quarterly TypeTalk Tuesday webinar series! 

这些网络研讨会由罗布和卡莉-图米共同主持,包括小型分组讨论室,供与会者学习和交流。网络研讨会涵盖各种主题;请查看我们的 即将举行的活动 更多详情请查看日历。



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