
Influence Program - The 8 Preferences

Complimentary Zoom Webinar
December 10 @11am-1pm Eastern

Influence Program Part I: The 8 Preferences

The signature Programa de influencia TypeCoach helps develop mastery in INFLUENCIA y COLABORACIÓN , habilidades que pueden utilizarse para mejorar cada interacción con colegas, clientes o personas interesadas clave. Los participantes obtienen en este programa multimedia, muy práctico y de ritmo rápido, habilidades que pueden aplicar inmediatamente.

Intro to TypeCoach for Partners

Complimentary Zoom Webinar
January 9 @11am Eastern

Introducción a TypeCoach: Ventajas para consultores y coaches

Are you an independent coach, consultant or facilitator who is new to TypeCoach? Join TypeCoach co-founder Carly Toomey for a demo of our online tools, and learn about our partner perks program. We offer these one-hour webinars most months.

Core Certification C74 Dates

Registration/Fee Required
January 9 @10am Eastern

Core Certification C74 - Webinar 1

En Certificación TypeCoach Core incluye todo lo expuesto en el Certificación para Coaches. In addition, you will become certified to deliver our signature Programa de influencia, which emphasizes the practical application of type. This option is perfect for personality type practitioners looking to add a new program to their portfolio. It is designed to welcome beginners and experts alike.

Type and Conflict January 2025

Complimentary for HR/L&D Professionals
January 14 @11am-12:30pm Eastern

TypeTalk Tuesday: Type and Conflict

Often personality type differences magnify an existing conflict and make resolving the conflict more challenging because the needs and priorities in resolving conflict vary greatly based on type differences. This course illuminates some of these common patterns and provides a simple framework for avoiding type-based conflict and for resolving issues most smoothly when they do arise.

Influence Program - The 4 Temperaments

Registration/Fee Required
January 15 @11am-1pm Eastern

Programa de Influencia Parte II: Los 4 Temperamentos

In this second webinar of the Programa de influencia TypeCoach, participants explore los cuatro temperamentos y conocer las fuerzas que motivan cada temperamento. Principales impulsores are what inspire us to take action. For example: some people are driven to being responsible and reliable, and focus on making low-risk choices. Others are driven to seek out the unknown, to innovate, and to find new and potentially dramatic advancements.

Virtual Coffee January 2025

Complimentary Zoom Webinar
January 17 @11am Eastern

Café virtual para socios de TypeCoach

Independent consultants and coaches who use TypeCoach are welcome to attend this 1-hour opportunity to support one another, ask questions, and share experiences using TypeCoach with clients.

Influence Program - The 8 Preferences

Registration/Fee Required
January 29 @11am-1pm Eastern

Influence Program Part I: The 8 Preferences

The signature Programa de influencia TypeCoach helps develop mastery in INFLUENCIA y COLABORACIÓN , habilidades que pueden utilizarse para mejorar cada interacción con colegas, clientes o personas interesadas clave. Los participantes obtienen en este programa multimedia, muy práctico y de ritmo rápido, habilidades que pueden aplicar inmediatamente.

Core Certification C75 - Feb 2025

Registration/Fee Required
February 5 @10am Eastern

Core Certification C75 - Webinar 1

En Certificación TypeCoach Core incluye todo lo expuesto en el Certificación para Coaches. In addition, you will become certified to deliver our signature Programa de influencia, which emphasizes the practical application of type. This option is perfect for personality type practitioners looking to add a new program to their portfolio. It is designed to welcome beginners and experts alike.

Influence Program - The 4 Temperaments

Registration/Fee Required
February 11 @11am-1pm Eastern

Programa de Influencia Parte II: Los 4 Temperamentos

In this second webinar of the Programa de influencia TypeCoach, participants explore los cuatro temperamentos y conocer las fuerzas que motivan cada temperamento. Principales impulsores are what inspire us to take action. For example: some people are driven to being responsible and reliable, and focus on making low-risk choices. Others are driven to seek out the unknown, to innovate, and to find new and potentially dramatic advancements.

Influence Program - The 8 Preferences

Registration/Fee Required
March 6 @1pm-3pm Eastern

Influence Program Part I: The 8 Preferences

The signature Programa de influencia TypeCoach helps develop mastery in INFLUENCIA y COLABORACIÓN , habilidades que pueden utilizarse para mejorar cada interacción con colegas, clientes o personas interesadas clave. Los participantes obtienen en este programa multimedia, muy práctico y de ritmo rápido, habilidades que pueden aplicar inmediatamente.

Influence Program - The 4 Temperaments

Registration/Fee Required
March 11 @1pm-3pm Eastern

Programa de Influencia Parte II: Los 4 Temperamentos

In this second webinar of the Programa de influencia TypeCoach, participants explore los cuatro temperamentos y conocer las fuerzas que motivan cada temperamento. Principales impulsores are what inspire us to take action. For example: some people are driven to being responsible and reliable, and focus on making low-risk choices. Others are driven to seek out the unknown, to innovate, and to find new and potentially dramatic advancements.

Certificación Master M11

Registration/Fee Required
March 13 @11am Eastern

Master Certification M11 - Webinar 1

En Programa de Certificación Master takes you on a deeper dive into the world of type. Graduates will become certified to facilitate three additional TypeCoach courses. This includes slide decks and resources on the topics of estrés, innovacióny motivación. In order to take the Master Certification Program, you must first complete the Certificación básica.

Complimentary for HR/L&D Professionals
April 29 @11am-12:30pm Eastern

TypeTalk Tuesday: Type and Motivation

Each of the four temperaments has different core drivers that have a lot to do with why they do the crazy and wonderful things that they do. In this webinar, you’ll gain new insight into what makes people tick and how to tailor your feedback differently to each of the four temperaments for maximum impact. This course is especially relevant for managers.

July 15, 2025 Type and Stress Webinar

Complimentary for HR/L&D Professionals
July 15 @11am-12:30pm Eastern

TypeTalk Tuesday: Type and Stress

Cada uno de los 16 tipos de personalidad encaja en cuatro grupos distintos cuando se trata del estrés desencadenarespuestas y formas de conseguir volver al equilibrio. These four groups have predictable and very different responses to moderate stress, and then an entirely different set of responses to extreme stress. In this training program, you’ll go down the fascinating and highly interactive journey of learning how different types react to stress.

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