
Success Story #4:

Driving Innovation

Strategic Priority: Driving Innovation

“Speak up – activating cognitive diversity to drive innovation.”


Our client is a global consumer products provider with more than 100,000 associates. Their strategic priority is ensuring that different perspectives are heard and integrated into their business. They are aware that certain personalities tend to naturally thrive in their organization, and this comes with a number of pros and cons.

Der Fall für TypeCoach

Less commonly-represented personality types are often the source of the missing ingredient for innovation in well-established organizations. We provide a neutral language to articulate the value these different types can bring. More importantly, by providing a framework to engage with these types and motivate and engage them, new ideas and perspectives are heard and integrated into the business.


This client organization had historically used a legacy solution, and was already familiar with the terminology we use. Our deployment was global within 6 months, with more than 200 internal practitioners certified in our methodology and more than 4,000 annual users going through our tools and training conducted internally.


Large, established organizations tend to attract and advance a limited number of personality types. Diversity and inclusion programs that encompass concepts of cognitive diversity can help organizations integrate different perspectives that are often unintentionally marginalized. A common, neutral language of personality allows identification of these patterns and simple communication techniques allow different perspectives to be encouraged and heard more easily.

Erfolgsgeschichte #4

Die gemeinsame, neutrale Sprache der Persönlichkeitstypen ermöglicht die Identifizierung von Mustern, und einfache Kommunikationstechniken ermöglichen es, unterschiedliche Perspektiven zu fördern und leichter anzuhören.

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