Aula magistral de definição de prioridades

Prioritization and
Time Management

TypeTalk Tuesday Webinar Recording

If you’d like to watch a recording of our most recent TypeTalk Tuesday webinar, this video will be accessible for 2 weeks.

Envie um e-mail para a nossa equipa em with any questions, or if you’d like to purchase a print/e-doc version of our handout for this program.

Prioritization and Time Management - Webinar Overview

Each one of us struggles with some aspect of time management and prioritization. Learn how to optimize your natural strengths and grow in your stretch areas when it comes to prioritizing tasks and managing your time. You’ll learn a lot about why you tend to focus on certain tasks and put off others, and how to ensure that you are working smart and getting to the things that matter most.

Participants receive a copy of a double-sided, laminated (or e-doc) resource.

Competências adquiridas

Os participantes saem com três novas competências que podem ser utilizadas para melhorar praticamente todas as suas interacções:

Prioritization #1 - Efficiency

Figure out when and how different personality types complete a project based on their preferences.


Learn tips to help your team get to the projects that matter most, when they matter most.

Prioritization #3 - Collaboration

Learn to lean on other personality types whose strengths are your challenge areas.

Como funciona a formação

  • Totalmente personalizável

    All course names and brochures, handouts and slide decks are customizable for your organization (for example: "Effective Time Management for Teams" or "Prioritization and Workload Management").

  • Programação flexível

    Este webinar tem uma duração normal de 90 minutos e pode ser presencial, virtual ou híbrido.

Folheto do participante

Prioritization and Time Management Laminate
“The distinction that TypeCoach brings to work is that there is a very specific business application... if you want to get the highest return on your investment. I’ve evaluated many, many programs and still TypeCoach continues to be the best provider out there in the Personality Type space without a doubt.”
Javier Barrientos Headshot
Javier Barrientos
Head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Biogen
"Um olhar refrescante e focado no Tipo utilizando um estilo interativo. Vale bem a pena assistir."
Tamsin Regnes Headshot
- Tamsin Régnès
Consultor independente

Confiado por centenas de organizações de topo a nível mundial

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