
and Motivation

Adaptive Feedback to Increase Motivation

Visão geral

Each of the four temperaments has different core drivers that have a lot to do with why they do the crazy and wonderful things that they do. In this webinar, you’ll gain new insight into what makes people tick and how to tailor your feedback differently to each of the four temperaments for maximum impact. This course is especially relevant for managers.

Participants receive a copy of our laminated resource, “Motivation and Feedback” (or an electronic version).

Competências adquiridas

Os participantes saem com três novas competências que podem ser utilizadas para melhorar praticamente todas as suas interacções:

Motivation #1 - Motivate

The ability to identify the core drivers that motivate different personality types.

Motivation #2 - Inspire

Utilize practical tips to get the best responses from team members.

Motivation #3 - Coach Connect

The ability to identify de-motivators that can set the team member up for failure.

Como funciona a formação

  • Totalmente personalizável

    All course names and brochures, handouts and slide decks are customizable for your organization (for example: "Motivation and Feedback").

  • Programação flexível

    Este webinar tem uma duração normal de 90 minutos e pode ser presencial, virtual ou híbrido.

“What I particularly like is the fact that TypeCoach focuses on the practical use, application and interpretation of Type (for both coach and end-user) in one-to-one or one-to-group settings whereas other, competing Type alternatives, put more and less appropriate focus on the assessment process rather than application.”

“Extremely beneficial course. I have a much better understanding of how to use Type when communicating with my team.”

Folheto do participante

Motivation and Feedback Laminate

Confiado por centenas de organizações de topo a nível mundial

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