Tipo e imagem de conflito

Tipo e conflito

Navigating Type-Based Conflict

Visão geral

Often personality type differences magnify an existing conflict and make resolving the conflict more challenging because the needs and priorities in resolving conflict vary greatly based on type differences. This course illuminates some of these common patterns and provides a simple framework for avoiding type-based conflict and for resolving issues most smoothly when they do arise.

Competências adquiridas

Os participantes saem com três novas competências que podem ser utilizadas para melhorar praticamente todas as suas interacções:

Type and Conflict - Explore

Use the perceiving mode to gather information and understand where the other person is coming from.

Type and Conflict - Evaluate

Use the thinking-feeling modes to consider both the values involved and the logic/consequences.

Type and Conflict - Closure

Use the judging mode to seek closure with next steps and new behavior going forward.

Como funciona a formação

  • Totalmente personalizável

    Todos os nomes de cursos e brochuras, folhetos e apresentações de diapositivos são personalizáveis para a sua organização.

  • Programação flexível

    Este webinar tem uma duração normal de 90 minutos e pode ser presencial, virtual ou híbrido.

Folheto do participante

Conflict Map Laminate
"Penso que as ferramentas e a formação do TypeCoach nos deram realmente uma common language across the whole organization. The thing I love about them is that they are incredibly simples de integrar and then it becomes extremely easy to adapt how you communicate with people. And, by having a common language across the whole organization, it’s something that really holds us all together.”
Bart Johnson Fotografia de rosto
- Bart Johnson
Diretor Executivo, VirginCare

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