(7) INTJ icon1


Temperamento: NT Conceptualizador

Big-Picture Problem Solvers

INTJ - Solucionador de problemas com visão de conjunto

There are two phases of most projects or meetings: 1) the vision and strategy setting stage; and 2) the execution stage. INTJs tend to gravitate towards the former. Highly future focused, out-of-the-box, logic-driven thinkers, few can match the INTJ’s capacity when it comes to doing what they love – developing long-term strategies e resolver problemas complexos that involve a lot of moving pieces. An INTJ’s mind is unconventional and unrestricted by previous approaches or traditional thinking.

Perfectionistic, Focused

INTJ - Perfectionistic, Focused

“Good enough” is not typically part of the vocabulary of an INTJ. They have extremely high standards for both themselves and others, and a tremendous stamina for trabalho árduo. They constantly push themselves to achieve excellence in all of their endeavors, which often translates into long hours with more focus and fewer breaks in concentration than most other personality types.

Intellectually Curious

INTJ - Intellectually Curious

Of all the 16 types, INTJs have perhaps the highest need for continuous learning, and to constantly challenge themselves intellectually. INTJs thrive when they are progressively working towards higher and higher levels of competency and excellence, and are easily bored by assignments or tasks that they have mastered before – or have a straightforward execution.

Independent, Direct

INTJ - Independent, Direct

Rather impervious to criticism and highly intrinsically motivated, INTJs are among the most independente of all the types, and thrive working productively alone for long periods of time. They tend to hold themselves to their own high standards, not looking to others for frequent validation. As a type, INTJs are often uncomfortable giving compliments and regular positive feedback. Finesse is also not a natural gift for INTJs, and if not careful, they can be direct to the point of being blunt – and come across as intimidating or offensive.


Strategical, Logical (Percolate)

INTJs are often well known for their insightfulthoughtfulúnico perspective. Their best ideas and solutions to complex problems usually come after they’ve mulled the topic over for a while. This “percolating” process can take a couple of days, is not always conscious, and more often than not, leads to a solution that just “pops” into their heads out of nowhere when they are alone, relaxed, and are engaged in or thinking about a completely different topic.

Mundo interior profundo

Mundo interior profundo

Underneath that calmacool exterior is one of the most rich and well-developed inner worlds of any of the 16 types. The brain of an INTJ is always “on,” processing the complex issues and strategies that INTJs love to tackle (even while they are watching TV). At times, they can be so lost in their thoughts that they walk past people who are saying “hi” in the hallway – and have a hard time quickly switching gears when interrupted at their desk.

INTJ's are the Type Most Likely to...

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