(6) Ícone ISTP1


Temperament: SP Experiencer

Quiet, Private, Modest

ISTP - Quiet, Reserved, Private

Reservado, intensely privadounobtrusive, it can take many encounters to get to know the incredible calorgenerosidadebondade, playful humor, and often impressive skill set of an ISFP. First impressions do not do them justice; ISFPs are the type least likely to “advertise” their own strengths. They are one of the most simpático types who genuinely care about and enjoy people. However, being in highly social environments tends to drain their energy – they crave time inside their own head to process and recharge. As one of the least talkative types, ISFPs share a very small percentage of their opinions, concerns, or decision- making process. They tend to enjoy working behind the scenes in supportive roles that help people in concrete ways.


INTJ - Ver as sombras de Grey, análise

Blessed with the gift of an exceptional memory for facts, trivia, events, and conversations, ISFPs are able to remember specifics better than most.  Highly practical, realistic, and action- oriented, ISFPs are much more inclined to “just do it” – rather then talk about it – and have a low interest in theory, analysis, future prediction or abstract discussions. They naturally excel at handling logistics or concrete tasks in the smoothest, most elegantly efficient way possible, with the least amount of complexity or wasted time.

Sensitive, Kind, Perceptive

Empathetic, Generous, Inspirational

Staggeringly perceptive, ISFPs are one of the types MOST highly attuned to the emotional reactions of others (and their own feelings, as well). Their insights into what others are feeling are usually amazingly accurate. Highly averse to conflict or tension, ISFPs focus a lot of energy on maintaining harmony and avoiding confrontation. As one of the more sensível types, ISFPs take criticism very seriously (and often to heart), and tend to withdraw, not engage. Intensely private, they are the least likely type to share that they had a negative or hurt reaction, leaving others totally unaware of the damage done.

Spontaneous, Casual

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Spontaneouscasual, and comfortable with “winging it,” ISFPs often do their best work last minute with the pressure of the deadline upon them. Others find their easy going, relaxed style infectious. Calm, cool, and collected (at least on the outside) in a crisis, they are able to leap into action and efficiently troubleshoot when other types might be frantic. ISFPs are some of the most pacienteflexible people, with a free-spirited, independent style. With a “live and let live” attitude, ISFPs are perhaps the least likely type to judge others, or try to offer unsolicited advice. ISFPs tend to be collaborative leaders, with very little impulse to take control or credit.

Driven by Personal Values, Kindness

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ISFPs have strong personal values, and while they do not discuss them much with others, they have a large impact on the ISFP’s actions and decisions. They seek to feel that they are living their lives in accordance with their values and what "parece" correto to them. ISFPs care deeply about people, seeing something positive in everyone. They take great pleasure in tangibly contributing to the well-being and happiness of others.

Observant, Kinesthetic

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Keenly observant of their physical surroundings while living fully in the moment, nothing gets past an ISFP. They have excellent sensory awareness, and trust most what they can see, smell, taste, touch and hear. ISFPs are kinesthetic, “hands on” learners, who much prefer to learn by physically “doing,” as opposed to reading or listening. They also tend to have a creative streak and a great sense of aesthetics.

ISFP's are the Type Most Likely to...

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