(5) ISTJ icon1


Temperamento: SJ Tradicionalista

Execution, Process-Focused

Centrado na execução e no processo

There are two phases of most projects or meetings: 1) the vision/strategy setting stage, and 2) the execução stage. ISTJs tend to gravitate towards the latter. If the coordinates are set and it is clear what action items need to take place, no one is more focado e conduzido to complete them with precision than the ISTJ. Often, their skills are best used when the project requires taking an existing process and tweaking it to reach maximum efficiency. This is in contrast to their INTJ colleagues, who are more energized by the “big picture,” open-ended, vision-setting stage.

Calm, Reserved, Private

Orientado para o fecho

ISTJs can be quite talkative with their inner circle of close friends, family, and a handful of close colleagues. To others, ISTJs can come across as very reservadoprivado, and quietly refletor, with a calm exterior. They are not likely to interrupt others or fight for the floor, and often pensa melhor quando está sozinho, preferring to gather information, reflect on it, and then share their thoughts.


Planeadores, orientados para o encerramento

ISTJs tend to value what has worked well in the past and find comfort in the “known,” making them one of two types that most desire estruturarotina e planear com antecedência. Not big fans of surprises or “winging it,” ISTJs often get into a rhythm of waking, sleeping, working and exercising at predictable times most days. ISTPs usually have repeatable habits as well – such as purchasing a very similar list of items at the grocery store each week, or laying out their clothes the night before in preparation for their workday.

Reliable, Closure-Oriented

Orientado para o fecho

ISTJs are some of the most fiávelorganizedresponsiblemeticulous people on the planet, and often live by the rule: “my word is my bond.” If an ISTJ has made a commitment to do something (no matter how insignificant), they will do everything in their power to get it done – and on time. ISTJs are exceptionally lúdico and highly closure-focused, and when it comes to decisions, and they have a tendency to want to “get down to business” and “cut to the chase” quicker than most other types.

Conduzido pela lógica

Direto, Transparente

ISTJs are highly orientado para a lógica, and tend to make decisions based on what makes the most logical sense from an objective viewpoint. They are not nearly as aware or as swayed by how they themselves or others personally feel about a decision as their ISFJ colleagues. ISTJs would rather be respected and thought of as fair than thought of as nice.

Orientado para os pormenores

Orientado para os pormenores

ISTJs have remarkable memórias para detalhes (even those given verbally), and ability to follow (and provide) precise multi-step procedures to the absolute letter. This memory, combined with their grande capacidade de atenção aos pormenores, which allows them to focus for extended periods of time, makes them one of the types that leaves the very least number of t’s un-crossed and i’s un-dotted. Nothing slips through the cracks on an ISTJ’s watch.

ISTJ's are the Type Most Likely to...

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