Sobre o tipo de personalidade

Personality Type Preferences

TypeCoach tools and training are based on the personality type model developed by Carl Jung and enhanced by Myers and Briggs. This model is commonly known as the “MBTI” or “Myers-Briggs Personality Test.” It is important to note that while TypeCoach utilizes the same framework as the Myers-Briggs company, there is no affiliation between our organizations. 

There are four preference pairs of our personality type that TypeCoach dives into. Each pair is a spectrum, so we often represent them as double-sided arrows. You can read about each one below:

Energy Spectrum

The first preference has to do with how we direct and receive our energy. Extraverts tend to gain energy from the outside world, and introverts tend to gain energy from time in their inner world. In the workplace and on teams, this shows up in how ideas are shared and how best thinking happens.

Information Spectrum

Light bulb Innovators (intuitives) prefer to stay focused on the big-picture strategy and future vision, so innovation means coming up with brand new ways of doing things. Process Innovators (sensors) naturally zoom into the specifics and practical concerns as soon as they hear about a new idea, so innovation means improving something that currently exists.

Decision Spectrum

Some colleagues (thinkers) respond best when others are direct and to-the-point, staying focused on the logical analysis of a topic or decision. Others (feelers) are focused on building and maintaining a personal connection with colleagues, and lose motivation without regular positive feedback.

Structure Spectrum

Some colleagues (judgers) like to plan, prepare, decide and work as far in advance as possible, and can struggle with plans changing or unexpected complications. Others (perceivers) like to leave their options open as long as possible, and are energized by changes that occur along the way.

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