Top Notch Meetings
Type and Innovation: how to gain the full engagement and best ideas of ALL attendees. This training program will leave you with a whole new understanding of how to bring out the best ideas and thinking from each member of a team. Type and Innovation explores how innovation looks different in different types of people, and provides tips for maximizing your own strengths and those of others when it comes to brainstorming, innovating, collaborating, deciding and executing.
Participants leave with three new skills that can be used to improve virtually all of their interactions:
Learn how to run top notch meetings that bring out the best ideas and thinking from everyone in the room.
Gain top tips for ensuring that all different forms of innovation are understood, valued and encouraged.
Ensure maximum efficiency of time and resources on your team with their full engagement.
All course names and brochures, handouts and slide decks are customizable for your organization. We frequently call this course "Top Notch Meetings" or "Type and Innovation."
This webinar is typically 90-minutes, and can be in person, virtual, or hybrid.
“What I particularly like is the fact that TypeCoach focuses on the practical use, application and interpretation of Type (for both coach and end-user) in one-to-one or one-to-group settings...”
- Dom Crotty Leadership and Career Coach, Business Skills Consultant
"I dramatically expanded my knowledge of this model and found the unique features made it far more workable and enjoyable to use than other similar tools. The best part of the course was the professionalism of the TypeCoach team and the resources provided..."
- Julie Kowalski, Independent Consultant
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