For those who already have an ACCESS CODE
Using the TypeCoach Verifier, over the course of 25 minutes you’ll watch four short videos, move sliders, verify your personality type and download your 8-page customized report.
Schedule a virtual or in-person training for your group. The two most popular programs are:
This ongoing resource is emotional intelligence at your fingertips, taking all the guesswork out of how to communicate with any individual. Click on any type to access TOP TEN TIPS for working with them based on the unique combo of YOUR type and THEIR type. This interactive tool can be set to auto-populate with the names of each member of a group as they complete the Verifier.
Discover the five secrets of success for leaders of YOUR personality type. Each video fo cuses on a typical area of strength for your type and how to maximize it, or a typical challenge area and top tips for turning it into an area of strength.
Follow up on the foundational training with these 90-minute workshops that take the group’s mastery and ability to implement what they’ve learned in their everyday interactions to a whole new level.
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