Harness the power of personality type to dramatically increase your career and life fulfillment
Watch a video about Extraverts and Introverts, which includes animations and a detailed explanation about each preference.
Move the sliders to show where you are leaning on Extraversion/Introversion. Repeat for the remaining three preferences (Sensor/iNtuitive, Thinker/Feeler, Judger/Perceiver).
Read your most likely type description, based on how you moved the sliders. Decide if this is a “good” fit or not.
Read your two most likely Type descriptions (based on how you moved the sliders). Choose the one that resonates most with you. Immediately download your personalized Type report.
As prework for an upcoming training program so that sessions can dive deeper into applications.
For teams to see the type distribution in their group, and better leverage their individual strengths.
As prework prior to an initial coaching session, to set the tone and provide guidance an what to work on and what to develop.
For coaching clients to establish the goals of the process and a foundational understanding of self. Personality type provides a neutral framework to identify key strengths to leverage and articulate likely challenge areas to target.
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